St. Paul's is a Right to Life Parish.

We warmly welcome you to our Parish. Call the Parish Office to register. 



                                                                       MISSION STATEMENT 

St. Paul's Parish is a Eucharistic community of baptized followers of Jesus Christ in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Faith. We promote spiritual and personal growth by challenging all to ongoing conversion. Led by the Spirit, we celebrate the presence of Christ in our lives by proclaiming the gospel, providing Sacramental life, and striving to discover the use of our gifts in loving service. 


Life Chain

The protect life hour of unity LIFE CHAIN for the protection of life from conception to death will be October 6th from 2pm-3pm. St. Pauls will stand on Niagara Falls Blvd and Maple. Signs will be handed out while they last. 


Please join this FREE veiwing of the popular showing of CHOSEN. Every Wednesday with the exception of the 3rd Wedneday of the month, in the Parish Center on a large wall mounted TV with surround sound speaker system through out the hall. 7pm-9pm.

New Mass schedule

St. Paul's  Mass Schedule:

The following is the schedule of masses:


                      confessions at 4:15--4:45 before 5PM mass every Saturday

Sunday--10AM  and 5PM

Weekdays-Tuesday & Friday - 8AM

Srarting October 4,2024--Adoration will be held the First Friday of each month after 8AM Mass  



Online Giving

Office Hours

Monday & Thursday: ---9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday--9 am---NOON
Wednesday---- CLOSED
Friday---9 am--1 pm

Closed Daily from 12:00- 12:30 PM

