Faith Formation
As we move through the changes with the merge of our Road to Renewal Family #17, which includes St. Paul's, St.Andrew's, St. Timothy, St. Stephen's on Grand Island, Blessed Sacrament and St. John the Baptist. Our Faith Formation programs may possobly be making chamges. Please continue to watch this page, our bulletin and any correspondence you may receive from St. Paul's in the next month or two.
Fee guidelines have changed so please call the Business Office with questions or for information. 716-875-2730 Ext.3.
St. Paul Religious education for children is committed to the spiritual development of those in Grades Kindergarten through 5th. who attend public school . We provide an atmosphere that encourages not only faith development, but information and sacramental preparation for children based on the curriculum guidelines of the Diocese of Buffalo.
Sacramental Preparation is provided for students who attend public schools.
Traditionally, the sacraments are celebrated ;
Second Grade- First Reconciliation
Third Grade - First Communion
However the sacrament preparation and celebration can be at any grade level.
For information contact; Michelle Fisher, Faith Formation Coordinator -- 873-9429.
Registration Information:
An individual registration form is needed for EACH child in your family. Payment should accompany all submitted registration forms and no registration request will be finalized without tuition payment (no exceptions.) Tuition fees are as follows:
Each Child - $40.00 Due the night of September 19,2023 for Active participating parishioners.
Registrations NEED to be in by September 19,2023, with full payment. Please note that the only exceptions for tuition payment at registration are, if you are a catechist or have made financial arrangements with the Business Office. All payments or arrangements need to be finalized before the first class.